What are we doing anyway?


picture from cartoonbank.com

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what influences the medical decisions that I make. As a physician, I want to make sure that my medical opinions are sound and based as much in what we know for sure as possible. But most medical decisions aren’t based in science, even when it is something that has been studied and is known. I’m not talking about making decisions based on experience or individual biases, but those based on cultural trends, political winds, or for financial gain such as pharmaceutical disease mongering. All of these factors influence us in myriad ways that we don’t often even recognize. I explored this (briefly) in a recent post on Doximity, but hope to explore it in more depth in the near future. I’d love to hear what you think about some of these issues that impact the practice of medicine for all of us, and what examples you can think of.

How efficient is US health care?


Picture from Centerforcoachingexcellence.com.

While I regularly write about various aspects of health care, I have been using my participation in the Doximity Authors Program to more specifically explore US health care efficiencies from different angles. This was initially inspired by Victor Fuchs, PhD, the preeminent health care economist in the United States, from an article he published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in September. He explored health care efficiency from the micro and macro levels, and provided some interesting insight. From this starting point, I elaborated a bit more of this topic. I started broad in my discussion, first looking at what efficiency means broadly in health care.

I have since looked at this from a macro level, as well as how our macro inefficiencies lead to significant societal injustices. I have some further ideas on exploring this more, and would encourage you to read these pieces and let me know what you think.

I have also continued to explore behavioral economical issues in recent months, looking at narrative fallacies in medicine, as well as the role of emotions in decision making. Even just being aware of these things can make a big difference in our behavior.

Health care, economics, and introverts

Hello all! I apologize that I haven’t posted in a while. I have a couple of new articles to share with you that I’ve written recently. One is on the role of introverts in our society from Susan Cain’s great book Quiet.

I have also started writing for Doximity.com, about which I am very excited. My first piece looks at the scalability of health care and how physicians fit into that. There will be more to come, at least monthly, on Doximity.com. Let me know what you think.

I hope everyone has a nice 4th of July and can avoid the hospitals given the brand new interns…