Order your copy of HOSPITAL! A Medical Satire of Unhealthy Proportions! Don’t miss your opportunity to buy the funniest book ever published!
Order from your local indie book store, Black Rose Writing, or Amazon (including Kindle version).
Read an excerpt of the book here.
“Jones is a witty word-slinger, in the stream of consciousness jokey tradition of David Foster Wallace, Larry David, and, yes, Hunter S. Thompson.” —Hollywood Book Reviews, Starred Review
“In HOSPITAL! (A Medical Satire of Unhealthy Proportions), Kyle Bradford Jones draws on the absurdity of human character to craft a tale that is as good-humored as it is humorous.” —IndieReader, 4.6 out of 5 stars.
“While this book may not be everyone’s cup of pee, I do recommend it to fans of satires, people who like hospital comedies, and readers who enjoy untalented curmudgeons with foul mouths.” —Online Book Club, 4 out of 4 stars
“This is definitely an original, as the author takes slapstick comedy and applies it to the page. A quick, engaging read if you’re looking for something light and funny.” —Sublime Book Review, 4.17 rating out of 5
“Had me laughing out loud from the very first line.” –Joe Barrett, award-winning author of Managed Care
“Brighter and more glib than House of God, making it easily digestible in one hilarious sitting.” –Shannon Charlebois, some Canadian doctor. Marked “Highly Recommended” at IndieReader
“My dad wrote this book.” –Guinevere Jones, age 6
Book description:
Dr. Camus is a jerk. The whole hospital loathes him. His patients loathe him. And the hospital’s CEO really loathes him. The staff want him to just take the blue pill from The Matrix and wake up to reality–or is it the green pill? He’s also not a very good doctor, as he doesn’t realize that none of his patients actually have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoniosis, his favorite Wikipedia-inspired diagnosis. But Rosencrantz the CEO can’t replace him without immense cost and time; it is cheaper to provide a censor to follow Camus around and cover up his insults than find a new doctor. When Dr. Camus starts sending all of his patients to the Good Hospital up the street, Mr. Rosencrantz the CEO has a brilliant idea–a one-month suspension without pay, and hypnotism by the Amazing Ralph to change Camus’s behavior. After Dr. Camus comes back a changed man, he faces all of the same challenges as before. Can he and Rosencrantz together save his humanity and the hospital’s bottom line? Probably not, but it’s a good time anyway.
If you have a sense of humor, or if you don’t but would like one, then pick up your copy today!