The Washington Post
The Salt Lake Tribune (multiple op-eds from 2009-2019)
- Physicians need mental health support for themselves
- Family doctors have a role in suicide prevention
- Three reasons to support Utah’s Prop 3
KevinMD (multiple postings from 2012-18)
Doximity (Doximity Author 2018-19)
- Scaling the unscalable?
- Eyes ever on the patient (runner up in the Doximity writing contest)
- I was involved in a malpractice suit that nobody won
- Narrative fallacies are everywhere, including medicine
- How efficient is US health care really?
- How US health care is inefficient on a macro level
- Where is the justice in our health care system?
- Whose responsibility is it to ensure quality in health care?
- How can we improve health care quality? Change the system
- We can earn patient and colleague trust back by not being jerks
- How cultural factors drive medical care
Accelerate (regular contributor 2017-18)
The Huffington Post Blog
- Health care jobs are expanding! Is that good or bad for the country?
- Obamacare may be politically dead, but did it fail?
Fresh Perspectives, American Academy of Family Physicians (regularly contributor 2014-2017)
- How long should it take to train a Family Physician?
- Step by Step: Proper planning essential for quality improvement
- Over the long haul, Family Physicians are life savers
- Remember Ebola? How the 24/7 news cycle impacts health care
- Want change? Get involved in your academy
- Culture shock: practice transitions impact our loved ones
- The value of Family Medicine: stating the obvious to the oblivious
- Surviving malpractice: don’t lose your passion for helping people
- Family Medicine: make it what you want
- Overcoming the stigma of mental illness in in physicians: my story
- It’s okay to ask for help
- How can family physicians turn back the rising suicide rate?
- Why do we adopt evidence-based data at a snail’s pace?
- Swing and a miss: do quality measures have dubious value?
- Gallows humor is no laughing matter
- High costs (and profits) of prescription drugs make me sick
- Digging out of medical school debt
Progress Notes, Primary Care Progress (2012-13)
- Embrace all hope, ye who enter here
- Redefining quality with the patient at the center
- Bringing the PCMH HOME
- PCMH: well, we’re not sure what that looks like
Physicians Practice (regular contributor 2014-15; free subscription required)
- What I’ve learned from watching House, MD
- Competing for new patients
- Advocacy for physicians is a catch-22
- When physicians’ and patients’ perspectives differ
- Costco-like health systems: has medicine outgrown its limits?
- Patient-centered vs patient-directed care
Family Medicine Vital Signs (Editor and Contributor, 2016–present)
Multiple medical journal articles