Medical Competition: What in the world are we doing?

Note: this originally ran at Physician’s Practice on 4/10/15

As an intern I participated in a rural rotation in central Utah. I worked at a clinic that was one of four in a valley that was approximately 70 miles long. I was amazed at the extent to which the family physicians were able to perform a wide variety of procedures and treat multiple conditions with fewer resources to which accustomed.

Because of the 4 clinics, the physicians at this practice wanted to ensure that they saw as many patients as they needed to keep up their business and avoid losing patients to one of the other practices. One day a 4 year old boy was brought in due to symptoms of an upper respiratory infection (URI). After a bacterial infection was ruled out, my attending offered prednisone as a relieving agent while he healed from the URI. Prednisone, I thought? “It will help dry up his runny nose, give him some energy, and he’ll be back to himself in no time,” he explained to the mother. I was taken aback and asked him later why he would give prednisone, a powerful medication with plenty of significant side effects, to a child for a URI.

“It helps them feel better faster. They came in expecting something for his cold. If I don’t give him anything to help, next time his mother will take him to one of the other clinics down the road and I lose them as patients.”

After returning to my community hospital following this month long rotation, I heard word that the hospital wanted to increase the number of obstetric patients that deliver there. Many providers had stopped referring their patients to deliver at this hospital due to some substantial safety and quality concerns, to the point where there was very little volume of deliveries and the hospital was losing money on the Labor and Delivery floor. If the administration addressed the safety issues, I thought, it would definitely bring back the business.

One week later, the construction of a new floor and overhaul of the delivery rooms began. I wasn’t sure what was going on until I realized that this was the administrations way of competing for more patients; if the area is more attractive, of course more patients will come! The smell of the floor glue and other chemicals quickly became apparent and soon engulfed the entire Labor and Delivery area. But deliveries continued, babies remained in the nursery where the fumes were present, and everyone who worked there had to try to get accustomed to the odors. The administration was fearful of temporarily closing down the unit to avoid losing further patients.

I share these stories to illustrate how competition in medicine often works. Both of these occurrences were before the recent extreme push on patient satisfaction, but they were done in an effort to draw in more patients through satisfying what they thought were critical needs. With our practices and hospitals being business entities, it is not surprising or even wrong to try to draw in more business; this is natural in our current system. The problem comes when patient safety and quality of care is pushed out in order to bring in this business.

As the quality and cost of the care that we provide is becoming more transparent, this will need to become the basis on which we attract new patients. Patients will look for value (quality + patient satisfaction/cost) and will respond to those practices that demonstrate it. We are all aware of some of the pitfalls of this method of evaluation, but the best we can is improve the metrics, not change the principle.

This, however, requires a major change in mindset from all health care entities. We cannot continue to compete on trivial and potentially hazardous grounds; we must start competing on what our patients actually need, which is quality care for as low a price as possible. Though the transition will be difficult, we cannot cover-up the problem with a little prednisone to make us feel better.

Costco Health Care

I recently published my second piece on what I call “Costco Health Care”. This latest one is at the AAFP’s Fresh Perspectives Blog, whereas the first was at Physician’s Practice. While the two articles are actually quite different in their approach, the common link between them is the waste that we have in our health care system. Unfortunately, a lot of this is unrecognized without hindsight, but the majority of it is known beforehand.

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets,” and the US health care system is the least-efficient, least consumer-centric industry in the developed world. It’s an extremely convoluted system, with so many superfluous, redundant, confusing, expensive, and deleterious parts, that very few experts/analysts actually understand it! (see Ezekiel Emmanuel’s Reinventing American Health Care for a full explanation of how few people really get it.) To identify such an industry as socialist misunderstands the lack of central organization in it’s structure; to identify it as capitalist ignores the presupposition that the consumer can have full understanding of the implications of their “rational” choices. The system is (and likely ever will be) fully caught in the middle of these two ideologies and can thus never experience the benefits of either, but likely just the harms of both. Hopefully we can at least keep Costco in its intended economic role, instead of permeating our health care system.

Overcoming the Irony of Father’s Day

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The irony of Father’s Day is that many fathers use it as “our day”, wanting to spend it alone participating in our own hobbies and desires. I have fallen into this trap as much as anyone. But as fathers day is a celebration of our fatherhood, it should be more appropriate for us to spend it with our children.

Father’s Day was first observed in 1908 in a small West Virginia town, mainly because Mother’s Day was already practiced and they didn’t want the fathers to feel left out. It wasn’t officially recognized until the mid-1960s, delayed so long because of the fear it would become commercialized (who got a tie today?).

But truly Father’s Day begins at a different time for each of us. Mine began 10 years ago about 4 months after my first son was born. As with most first time fathers, I was scared and excited. I made him a promise to do my best to take care of him, protect him, and teach him how to thrive in his time on Earth. I certainly do that better some days than others, but it is still my standard.

My second son came home from from the hospital on Father’s Day, a wonderful present, with my daughter coming along over 3 years later. I also have another daughter joining us any day, another wonderful Father’s Day present. I try to spend time with each of my children frequently, but it’s often hard and I often fall short. But that same promise I made to my first born remains in effect for all of my other children as well.

I love my kids. I want to be a good father. Someone said last week that “a bad [father] who cares is still better than any [father] who doesn’t.” This Father’s Day I’m going to make it a point to spend time with my kids, because it really is their day–I wouldn’t be able to strive to this ideal without them.